The new shed was born from two needs. The first is to improve the production set and optimize the layout of Verona Lamiere, thus bringing efficiency to the production process. The second aspect is to improve customer services.
Today more and more subcontractors, companies that supply semi-finished products are required not only to have capacity and quality standards in terms of construction that are very high, but a first-rate logistics service is increasingly required, and this is an aspect on which in the of planning Verona Lamiere has put a lot of emphasis on.
At the basis of Verona Lamiere is the constant drive to improve, to invest in the latest technology and in the continuous training of specialized technical personnel.
On Saturday, May 13, the new hall was inaugurated in the presence of about 600 guests including employees, historical partners, authorities and their families in a festive atmosphere that gave way to moments of intense emotion.
Mass with Choir, ribbon cutting in the presence of the Authorities and the Lucchini Family, the blessing of the statue of St. Joseph, dinner, music and entertainment made for a successful and fun-filled evening.
In a historical period that is not easy for both companies and families, this inauguration is an encouraging sign, a sign of confidence to employees and the local area.